A machine
giving ease
of mind
Self-initiated project

Choices. You're expected to make them about everything. Which brand of water do you buy? A croquette or a cheese soufflé. Red wine or red wine. A book with a unique cover or a compelling title?
Randomness! A basic one-button interface. Sound and lights to delight you in the outcome. The machine stands out and presents you with a choice. Randomness makes you think about the decision. You might not want that choice after all and know better what you do want.

Why do you have to choose? Are you a bad citizen if you don't choose? And with all the temptations, you probably don't choose for yourself. Is Coca Cola really tastier than Pepsi Cola? Who doesn't choose the charming party leader and doesn't vote for the other party because of a wrong face?

Many thanks to Erik Stehmann & Peter Uithoven.